Friday, June 19, 2009

TOMS Shoes - Shoe Drop - Helping Children

TOMS Shoes is a social company that was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what TOMS is all about.

This is a quick touching video about the difference this company makes for others around the world and how we each can make a difference by either purchasing shoes for TOMS or going out into our community and actively helping others.

Yes! You can make the difference and there are hundreds if not thousands of people who can use your help.

Remember to count the blessings you have. Many others in the world and in our own neighborhoods are suffering. With whatever time, money and help you can give...making a difference with just one person will make it all worth the while. Pay your blessings forward, don't forget your fellow man.

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