Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mentors are Everything!

In the upcoming weeks, I will be covering a series on Mentorship. I will detail many people who have made a huge difference in my life, in my thoughts, in my self-belief, in my confidence and in my service to others.

With the support of these people who believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself, I was able to expand, grow and be more than I have ever imagined.

Some mentors are friends, some are clients, some came from books and audio programs, some came from unlikely circumstances, and some appeared at the right moment at the right time.

I appreciate all they have done for me and all they are doing to help me continually grow so that I can be a servant in the same manner.

Who is a mentor to you? Who are some folks who have helped you with your self-confidence, your career, your relationships, your health, your spirit, your goals, your dreams or your passion.

Mentors are invaluable and I can't wait to share in stories over the years how these key people made me who I am today and who I will be tomorrow.

Until then, live well, dream big and give to others!

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