Monday, February 23, 2009 dedicated to being transparent, honest and vulnerable

For several months, I deliberated as to what to make about. I didn't want it to be about me necessarily. Many of my friends had asked when I was going to post something on here regarding my travels, my time off work, building businesses, or others subjects that I would consider "light" topics.

Although I do intend to dive deep into some of my experiences over the past couple of years, I really wanted to accomplish more than that. Perhaps I could share a story, a feeling, or an experience that would help someone else that may be going through some of the same life experiences I have...good, bad or indifferent.

After many months of thought, I decided the best route for is to help others. To perhaps share something from my life and experiences in order to help others through their trying times and perhaps help to make light of that it IS manageable.

Sure, I will discuss my travels to places such as China, but at the same token, I feel the responsibility to dig a little deeper and will talk about the culture, observations, how I felt there, how others felt there and what it meant to connect to part of my heritage. 

I feel that this is an opportunity for me to share life experiences, not for myself, but for others.
My goal is to share in topics that uncover deep thoughts and feelings. Topics that we are afraid to share with others for fear of judgement or fear of showing our true vulnerable self.

I am dedicated to being transparent with my thoughts and observations, in hope that it will impact at least one person is such a way that it can help turn his or her life around. 

At a minimum others can learn that many of us are struggling through the very same feelings, thoughts and emotions. YOU are not alone and I hope this will demonstrate that we are all very similar, in more ways than we thought.

Being an emotion guy as I am, I can have really high highs and really low lows. I'm not bi-polar or anything like that. But certainly if I don't pay attention to my inner chatter, my physiology and my thoughts, I can fall into the deep dark chasm known as negativity. The result can be blaming others, being angry, being frustrated, being overwhelmed, feeling hopeless, looking to the external to fulfill the inside and many more not so useful feelings and emotions.

I am human and in order to keep on top of my game, to help inspire others, and continue to contribute, it is necessary to be aware of how my mind controls me when I am not paying attention.

How often have you noticed this about yourself? Has there been a time when you said to yourself, "I'm tired" - and felt it, or "I'm angry" - and felt it, or "I'm frustrated" - and felt it. 

Pay attention for a few minutes today at times you say things to yourself and see what your result was. It takes focus and really being in tune with yourself, but at the same time you may be shocked at how poorly you talk to yourself. Our worst enemy wouldn't call us the names we sometimes call ourselves.

How about the opposite? How often have you said "I'm going to have a great day" - and sure enough you did. I could spend hours discussing "self talk." That chatter we subject ourselves to day by day, minute by minute, second by second, but I feel that would be better summed up in a future article with significant details and skills to combat and turn our chatter around to the positive.

The point I am making is that I am dedicated to being transparent about my feelings, my thoughts, my insight and allow myself to express that vulnerability through this blog.

I am not the first to do this. They are hundreds, if not thousands of sites dedicated to self-awareness, self-discovery and self-improvement. Sites such as are wonderful for expanding the human well being. I am inspired by Tina's site and hope that my site can make half the difference that her site is.

We need more of this. With a world ridden with gossip, negativity in the news, paparazzi and blame, selfishness, you can understand why our culture has been so fearful, negative and worst of all disconnected from one another.

As a country we are facing many challenges and it is up to us to come together to help recover from a tough time in our country. I have faith in our country and most of all our people. Over the years we have demonstrated generosity, contribution and a moral responsibility to others in the world.

It is time we recapture that. If it takes reading a positive article, helping a person in need, touching one persons life-one at a time, and being a positive light for others, then I am up for that responsibility. 

I hope others will be able to set aside the self-pity also and help to make this world a better place for us and our children. When we focus out and help others, many times our problems don't seem so bad or worth expending energy on.

This website will be dedicated to positive influence and I do hope that I can impact at least one person with my writings. Many folks have stood for me even in the darkest of times, and I hope that what I write can help others relate and move forward to being the genuine great human beings that we are. 

I hope you don't lose sight of who you are and how very important that YOU are here now. For your friends, your family, the community and the world. YOU are incredibly important and life would not be the same without YOU! 

Have a inspired day, learn about yourself and help others!

Back for action!

My bad. 

So I have been in process of many life changes which I will be happy to share very soon on this site. I do hope all have been well. I look forward to sharing some stories and lessons about these past couple of years. I hope you will find them useful and perhaps enlightening. 

Be well my friends,
